Tatarstan is again in the top three according to the National rating of the investment climate in the subjects of Russia

25 may 2018

The Tyumen region, Moscow and Tatarstan topped the rating of the investment attractiveness of Russian regions. The main indicators that allowed Tatarstan to stay in the top three were a fast and simplified procedure for registering enterprises and property rights. Multifunctional centers (MFC) provided an increase in the number of lines for receiving documents to provide services in the accounting and registration area. There is continuity of satisfaction with the quality of these services. As of the end of 2017, the share of services for state registration of real estate rights granted through the MFC amounted to 98.6%, which is significantly higher than the average for Russia.

The republic positively distinguished by the effectiveness of procedures for issuing permits for construction - for today, there are developed the rules of land use and development of all urban districts and urban settlements of the republic. On the portal of state and municipal services of the Republic of Tatarstan you can apply for a building permit in Kazan electronically. This greatly simplifies the implementation of this procedure for entrepreneurs.

The most important and significant indicator for Tatarstan was the reduction of administrative pressure on business. A special emphasis was placed on expanding the knowledge base of entrepreneurs on issues of interaction with supervisory authorities. For this purpose, the portal “Verified Business” was launched in Tatarstan. This is the first regional Internet resource about inspections of small businesses, created to promote the reform of control and supervision activities in Russia. Memoirs about 300 typical violations (287) revealed by the control and supervisory bodies in the republic (27 bodies) are presented here. The resource is in demand both outside the republic - about 2/3 of all site visits - from other regions of the country.

In addition, the possibility of a quick transition to the operating platforms related to the audit topics are realized on the Internet resource

- A single register of inspections of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation;

- Life situations of the Business Navigator of the Corporation for Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship;

- Tax Service;

- and other platforms and services of supervisory bodies.

Particular attention was paid to the implementation of the reform of control and supervisory activities. It should be noted that plans for carrying out inspections for 2018 in the republic were formed taking into account the risk-oriented approach. A systematic work is carried out on the target model “Implementation of control and surveillance activities in the subjects of the Russian Federation”.

For reference:

The National rating of the investment climate assesses the efforts of regional authorities to create favorable business conditions and identifies best practices, and its results stimulate competition in the struggle for investment at the regional level.

Pilot approbation of the National rating was held in 2014 in 21 regions of the Russian Federation. The first full-scale rating was conducted in 2015. The work of regional teams to create comfortable business conditions was assessed in 76 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In 2016, the survey covered all 85 regions of Russia. 4 of them - the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol - were rated outside the rating. In 2017, all regions of Russia took part in the rating on general terms. According to the results of the Rating, 51 regions demonstrated a general increase in the integral indicator compared to the previous year.

Press Service of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan

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