A project “You are an entrepreneur” starts in Tatarstan

9 october 2018

This year 2,000 Tatarstan citizens will be able to get knowledge on the program “You are an entrepreneur”. The educational project will start on the 20th of October 2018. The goal is to support the activity of young people in the field of small and medium-sized businesses by involving them in entrepreneurial activities.

The project is designed both for beginners and for acting businessmen: for schoolchildren (14-17 years old) and young people aged 18 to 30 years.

The training program includes:

- choice of a business idea;

- preparation and implementation of a business project;

- starting a business;

- attracting investors.

In Tatarstan, the Program is implemented by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Fund for Entrepreneurship Support of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Detailed information about the federal project “You are an entrepreneur”, as well as to register for participation in educational events, can be found on the website: www.molpred116.ru.

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