Deadline for reception of applications to the “Crash-test of projects: from “Eureka” to Practice!” has been extended

25 october 2018

The semi-final selection of innovative projects “Crash-test of projects: from “Eureka” to Practice!” will take place in the Technopark “Idea”. The selection will be held in the framework of the semi-final of the program “Umnik”. Applications are accepted until October 28, 2018 at The qualifying rounds will take place on October 31, 2018 during which a commission will select the best projects and recommend it for funding.

Note that the decision to receive funding depends on the quality level of each work and the ability of participants to present their project.

Selection of participants is carried out in 6 directions:

  • Information Technology
  • Medicine of the future
  • Modern materials and technologies for its creation
  • New devices and hardware systems
  • Biotechnology
  • Resource Saving

For participation please contact Technopark “Idea”:


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