To technopark “Idea” towards career in GE Money Bank.

29 april 2008

On the 29th of April a meeting of heads of different GE Money Bank departments with graduates of Kazan institutes of higher education was held in Technopark “Idea”.

The reason for the meeting on base of TP “Idea” became creating of an innovative Centre of business operating support by the foreign bank; and its major task will be distance support of all Russian clients of the bank.

The Heads of departments spoke about GE Company, foundation and development of GE Money Bank in Russia, about further bank’s strategy and also gave interesting and helpful advice on job placement for graduates of institutes of higher education.

A large conference-hall of Technopark could hardly seat those who so desired to start career in GE. At present there is no Kazan institute of higher education, which doesn’t graduate students of economic specialization. Kazan business environment was not ready to accept such a great flow of economists and this profession often has stayed unclaimed.

This problem was announced by President of the Republic of Tatarstan, M.Sh. Shaimiev at the meeting of Security Council in 2006. The problem had 2 solving variants: either to shorten economic specializations at institutes of higher education or to provide graduates of economic faculties with jobsites.

Within two years the situation hasn’t changed and Technopark “Idea” jointly GE Money Bank has taken up solving the vital problem of the students.

Over 400 graduates of economic specialization will be recruited by Centre of operating support. At the average, selection will be passed by over 1000 students of Kazan institutes of higher education. It enables to suppose that every graduate of every university has a chance of getting job in the large international company.

In July of this year 150 Kazan graduates will already start working in GE Money Bank and this is just the first step in forming of young and perspective team of GE.

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