“Ideological PR” brought together prominent industry representatives

12 february 2020

Today, Technopark “Idea” has become a center of attraction for press secretaries, marketers, smm-managers and other representatives of the industry.

The thematic event “Ideological PR” was attended by specialists promoting mainly small and medium-sized businesses.

The speakers are experts at their jobs. The secrets of collaboration with bloggers and trends of the social network Instagram were revealed by the popular blogger, influencer Alina Gimaltdinova. The fact that content marketing is about numbers, not words, and that the sales funnel is completely linked to content, was told by the director of the content bureau “Good History” Ruslan Serazetdinov. Explosive psychological techniques for creating contextual and targeted advertising were presented by the marketer, NLP master Evgeny Chugunov.

As a result of the event, the participants called on the Technopark to gather such speakers and organize such events more often, since they are one of the tools for developing professional skills and establishing corporate relations.

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