“UMNIK - Digital Russia. Kazan” gathered innovative projects of the Volga and Ural federal districts

3 june 2020

31 projects from different cities and regions of the Volga and Ural Federal districts entered the Kazan stage of the all-Russian contest “UMNIK - Digital Russia”. The authors of the best projects will receive a grant in the amount of 500 thousand rubles.

Opening the event, the head of the Department of Investment and Innovation Activities of the Ministry of Economy of Tatarstan Dinar Shakirov thanked Technopark “Idea” for the opportunity to listen projects in these difficult conditions: “We hope that projects that will be heard today will be in demand for our economy and we will find application and support. All possibilities have been created for this”.

Among the experts evaluating the projects are Oleg Mironov, Deputy Director of the Centre for Economic and Social Research of the Republic of Tatarstan under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, Elena Kruzhilina, Executive Director of “ICL Soft” LLC, Artem Usov, Head of the Startup Incubator University, Farida Gainullina, head of the Department of the Innovation Programs Development of Technopark “Idea”, Petr Baskevich, Director of Innovation of OJSC “KNIAT” and others.

They will choose the best works in such areas as artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality technologies, new production technologies, the Internet of things, quantum computing, robotics and sensors, etc.

The results of the competition will be published on the website of the Foundation for Assisstance to Innovation: fasie.ru.

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