To the attention of residents of Technopark “Idea”!

20 august 2020

The Far Eastern High Technology Fund and the SKOLKOVO Foundation invite technology projects to participate in the investment selection of startups #GoEast and receive up to 500 million rubles of investment for development.

Companies from any region can participate in the selection, 5 areas of development have been selected as priorities:

•  IT (including consumer and financial services, cloud technologies, technologies for a comfortable urban environment, etc.);

•  Energy technologies (including alternative energy and energy sources);

•  Medical technology and biotechnology, including technologies for agriculture;

•  Industrial technologies (including autonomous vehicles, robotics, internet of things);

•  Educational technologies.

The best projects will receive:

• Investments up to 500 million rubles for development;

• Pilot opportunities from Russian business leaders;

• Networking and feedback from professionals.

Terms of participation: revenue over 30 million rubles (for 2019 or for the last 12 months).

Applications will be accepted until October 5, 2020.

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