The State Corporation “Rosnanotech” and the Republic of Tatarstan signed a cooperation Agreement.

6 august 2008

On the 5th of August the Republic of Tatarstan and State Corporation “Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies” concluded cooperation Agreement in and around nanotechnologies and nanoindustry development within the framework of delegation visit in Kazan.

The Agreement was directed to cooperation establishment inter parties for commercialization of joint scientific-technical and innovative activities results in and around nanotechnologies. Besides adoption of nanotechnologies project advancement in industry, side pieces are going to update experimental- technological base, realize projects for specialists training in and around nanotechnologies, carry out research scientific and experimental works in and around nanomaterials, nanotechnologies and nanoelectronics with joint efforts.

The Agreement provides for side pieces participation on support of regional network of nanotechnology infrastructure development: technoparks, centers for collective use, also on base of SEZ “Alabuga”, scientific-innovative centre of petrochemical complex technology town “Himgrad” and other innovative grounds.

The reason of concluding agreement was availability of considerable scientific-technical and productive potential, effective organizational structure of project management, active scientific-educational and innovative environment, which can ensure efficient development of nanoindustry in the Republic of Tatarstan and other regions of Russian Federation. In the issue of signing of the agreement theRepublic of Tatarstan became one of RF pilot regions for development and realization of complex projects of nanoindustry development, ensuring realization of complete life cycle of innovative project up to industrial production creation.

Also side pieces arranged for cooperation in realization of Complex project “Development of nanoindustry in the Republic of Tatarstan”. For work coordination and concerted decision-making side pieces will form a coordination council which can create expert and other project groups for suggestion and advice preparations.

- The World is gathering critical mass for scientific and technological revolution – in the end applied results should appear, - Mintimer Shaimiev noted. – Somebody who knows high tech dictates regulations.

- Our rule is to conclude agreement only with regions from which we get concrete projects. The project for us is something that finishes by production of competitive product which have chance to compete not only in Russian but also in global markets. We support future nanotechnology centers, - Leonid Melamed commented results of meeting with RT President. – Today the Tatarstan has a chance to become one of such centers. All of us know that the Republic ofTatarstan always had powerful scientific and technical potential and if add leaders will it becomes clear why we have signed the agreement.

The Agreement is in force to 2015 year with possibility of automatic prolongation.

Also delegation of SC “Rosnanotech” took part in meeting with Prime-minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikchanov, in enlarged meeting of interagency task force for RT nanoindustry financing and in meeting of interagency task force for nanoindustry where presentation of tatar developer projects was held. Delegation headed by Leonid Melamed visited Public joint-stock company “Kazanorgsintez” and Closed joint-stock company “Danaflex”, which guidelines activity are production of flexible shipping materials, innovative polygon “Bolan” of Kazan State Technological University, technology town “Himgrad” and Innovative Technopark “Idea”. The last one made a pleasant impression on guests and in opinion of some delegation members is the only one successful project of similar organizations in Russia.

Source: Press-Centre of "Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies",

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