The best speaker of the science battle Sciencetalks – 2020 has been chosen in Kazan

11 december 2020

Innovative Technopark “Idea” summed up the results of the competition among masters and postgraduates. At the end of the year, Ilya Lapochkin, the second-year master of the Kazan Chemical and technological Institute, became the absolute winner, presenting the author’s developments from flexible carbon with a unique composition.

“This is a kind of intellectual student spring, a scientific stand-up, where young scientists informally talk about their developments in a simple and understandable language for the audience”, - explained Evgeniy Malikov.

According to the Head of the Department of External Relations and PR of “Idea”, Evgeniy Malikov, the ScienceTalks project was born in the Technopark exactly a year ago.

In total, five participants went to the super final of the battle, who won ScienceTalks within their faculty during the year. Among the contestants were Raikhan Zakieva with a project “Aquathermolysis of super-viscous oil in a supercritical aqueous fluid”, Alexander Mokeev, who presented the features of intensification of oil production, Daria Gubochkina with a project for flocculation purification of oil-containing systems. The winner of the scientific battle was Ilya Lapochkin, the second year master of the Faculty of Technology and Processing of Rubber and Elastomers of the Institute of Polymers of the Kazan National Research Technological University.

“Our goal is to show that science is not boring or difficult. And those people who come here as spectators, and these are senior students, are convinced of this at such events. Of course, the speakers’ speech is preceded by a large systematic preparatory work within the framework of the Speaker’s School, which is also organized and carried out by the Technopark “Idea”, - continued Evgeniy Malikov.

According to the results of the performances, the winner of the scientific battle is determined by SMS voting. Each listener gives a vote for the speaker who, in his opinion, presented his development, his project more accessible and understandable than anyone else.

Representatives of the scientific community themselves speak about the uniqueness and role of ScienceTalks in the popularization of science. “This is an amazing project. There has never been such a warm atmosphere in our university. I am very happy for our participants. I am grateful to the project leaders who allowed the participants to become different. For me, the participants revealed themselves in a new way. I am very pleased that students are actively learning science and are interested in it”, - said Natalya Bashkirtseva, Acting Director of the Institute of Petroleum, Chemistry and Nanotechnology at KNRTU.

“This is a great event to popularize science. It is important to keep an interest in it in time. When spectators - students of 3-4 courses see postgraduate students speaking, they have a desire to become addicted to science, they understand that it is promising and interesting”, - added Dilbar Sultanova, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Polymer Technology in Medicine and Cosmetics of KNRTU.

Note that next year the Technopark “Idea” as the organizer of ScienceTalks plans to enter the interuniversity platform and conduct a scientific battle between universities on various topics.

“If people here understand each other, because they are from the “oil industry”, then when representatives from completely different directions - Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan Federal (Volga region) University, Kazan State Medical University or Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering - will speak, there will be a real battle. This is a completely different level and prospects”, - concluded Evgeniy Malikov.

Based on the materials of Information Agency “Tatar-inform”


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