Draft titles of professional qualifications in the field of development and production of nanostructured medicines have been developed

16 december 2020

The work on the projects has been successfully completed: Development of draft titles of qualifications, requirements for qualifications and assessment tools for the procedure for evaluating the qualifications of specialists in the nanotechnology industry in the field of development and production of nanostructured medicines.

The work was carried out within the framework of the Subprogram “Development of the qualification assessment system: quality of infrastructure, management and promotion” of the Program “Development of the professional qualifications assessment system in the nanoindustry for the period 2019 – 2021”.

The project participants were: National Agency for the Development of Qualifications, Interbranch Association of Nanoindustry, Technopark “Idea”, companies: “Nanopharma Development”, “OIL”, “Tatkhimpharmpreparaty”, Kazan State Medical University, and Kazan Chemical Technological Institute.

As a result, draft titles of professional qualifications in the field of development and production of nanostructured medicines were developed:

Professional standard “Research specialist in the development of nanostructured drug formulations”

  • Professional qualification “Specialist in the pharmaceutical development of the composition and technology of nanostructured medicines (5th level of qualification)”

  • Professional qualification “Specialist in managing development of the formulation of nanostructured medicines and the release of a pilot batch (6th level of qualification)”.

Professional standard “Specialist in the control and testing of the quality of nanostructured medicines”

  • Professional qualification “Engineer for quality control of nanostructured medicines (5th level of qualification)”

  • Professional qualification “Specialist in the organization of testing and quality control of nanostructured medicines (6th level of qualification)”

Professional standard “Specialist in the technology of production of nanostructured medicines”

  • Professional qualification “Specialist in control of the technological process of production of finished products of nanostructured medicines (5th level of qualification)”

  • Professional qualification “Specialist in the organization of the technological process of industrial production of nanostructured medicines (6th level of qualification)”

Professional standard “Specialist in the preparation and operation of equipment for the production of nanostructured medicines”

  • Professional qualification “Technician for the maintenance and repair of technological equipment for the production of nanostructured medicines (4th level of qualification)”

  • Professional qualification “Engineer for technical support of the technological base for the production of nanostructured medicines (5th level of qualification)”

For these qualifications, specialists in the field of development and production of nanostructured medicines have developed sets of assessment tools, consisting of 30 theoretical tasks and at least two practical ones.

The developed appraisal tools were tested by employees of such enterprises as “Nanopharma Development”, “OIL” and “Tatkhimpharmpreparaty”.

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