Results of a pilot project “State final certification - independent qualification assessment” 2020 Tatarstan were summed up

15 january 2021

In 2020, 8 educational organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan (153 students) took part in the project to combine the State final certification and independent assessment of qualifications for graduates of secondary vocational education institutions with the support of 6 industry Councils for professional qualifications. 73% of students successfully passed the professional exam and received certificates of qualification.

Teachers, masters of industrial training, methodologists and managers improved their qualifications in the framework of programs organized by the Autonomous non-profit organization “National Agency for the Development of Qualifications”.

Note that the professional exam has its own advantages for all participants.

For students, this is an increase in competitiveness in the labor market, confidence in the future.

For employers, this is the formation of an order for the training of specialists; reducing the cost of training staff.

For the personnel training system, this is interaction with employers and accreditation organizations, speaking in the language of professional standards; confirmation of the quality of graduate training, updating of programs; advantage in the distribution of admission control figures.


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