Tatarstan projects received more than 42 million rubles for grants.

29 september 2021

The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) summed up the results of a number of competitions. As a result, 8 Tatarstan projects received grants totaling 42.77 million rubles.

Projects are presented in such nominations as medicine and health-saving technologies, new devices and intelligent production technologies, digital technologies, new materials and chemical technologies.

So, among the winners are projects on the development of an electronic posture corrector, the creation of a marketplace, the development of an online ordering system for vending machines, the organization of production of means  for the disposal of epidemiologically hazardous waste, etc.

It should be noted that the acceptance of projects for grant competitions continues now. For example, young innovators can receive up to 500,000 rubles within the framework of the programme “UMNIK”. On October 6, 2021 a free educational seminar will be organized for the participants in the Technopark “Idea"” Registration for the seminar:

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