We invite you to the programme “UMNIK”

6 october 2021

A seminar on participation in the programme “UMNIK” was held in Tatarstan. 32 people attended the seminar. Technopark specialists consulted them on the conditions of participation in the programme “UMNIK”, and also answered questions.

A grant in the amount of 500,000 rubles is given to the winners by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE). However, a number of conditions must be met for this. In particular, representatives of the Technopark told about the selection stages and selection criteria for the semi-finals. Among the latter is the relevance of a project, the assessment of scientific and technical novelty, the achievability of results, the demand for the product, potential competitive advantages, entrepreneurial potential, etc.

It should be noted that individuals from 18 to 30 years old, who are citizens of the Russian Federation and have not previously won the program, can apply for the competition under this programme.

In addition, the participants were reminded that up to 40 projects will be able to receive co-financing from the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan in the amount of 220,000 rubles in the framework of the nomination “Youth Innovative Project” of the contest “50 Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”.

To participate in the programme “UMNIK”, you must submit an application by October 19, 2021 on the website https://umnik .fasie.ru/kazan

You can clarify the details and details of participation in the Technopark “Idea” by phone: +7 (843) 570-68-50.

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