Grants for IT companies: hurry up to apply!

14 october 2021

Applications for the grant competition for IT projects and companies implementing digital solutions continue to be accepted.

This year, the total amount of support is 3.8 billion rubles, and the conditions for receiving grants have become much simpler and take into account the wishes of companies.

IT companies can apply for grants from 20 to 300 million rubles, and now this support measure is available to developers of both software and hardware complexes. Developer companies can take part in the competition without restrictions on the OKVED and the amount of revenue, including startups and spin-offs (divisions of large companies allocated to separate organizations). At the request of the companies, the requirements for the package of documents have been optimized and the possible project implementation time has been increased from 12 to 18 months.

For companies implementing Russian IT solutions, the amount of grant support is from 120 to 300 million rubles, and for individual projects, the minimum threshold has been reduced to 10 million (in particular, for the areas of “Engineering Software”, “Management Systems” and “Software Development and Application Creation Tools”). Both for IT projects and for companies implementing digital solutions, the desire to increase the maximum salary of employees by 20% (from 200 to 240 thousand rubles) has been taken into account.

You can get acquainted with the competition documentation on the website: https://фрит.рф/

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