On the same wave: professional exam united students, universities and employers of Tatarstan into a strong tandem

16 november 2021

Tatarstan is actively implementing the national qualifications system in various fields of professional activity. In many industries, independent qualifications assessment is already mandatory.

Starting this year, citizens of the republic can take part of the professional exam online. However, for the time being, applicants will be able to confirm only theoretical knowledge remotely. Students and graduates, and according to the Tatstat there are more than 160,000 thousand of them in Kazan (for 2020), have special privileges: the online exam is organized for them free of charge. In addition, graduates who have successfully passed the tests will end up with two documents at once: a diploma of vocational education and a certificate of qualification. Moreover, it is important that practical skills are tested directly by employers, those who are interested in qualified personnel. They are the ones who take an active part in the development of the tasks themselves, based on real practice.

Experts note that business costs for retraining and further education of specialists or for their replacement amount to hundreds of billions of rubles a year. The professional examination for employers is the most accessible and understandable tool with which one can evaluate the skills of a specialist. The results of the independent qualifications assessment are recognized by both public and private employers, being an excellent help in the employment of young specialists. Information about each issued certificate is entered in the federal register of qualified employees. In a number of professions, the confirmation of qualifications is established by law and, in fact, is an admission to professional activity. The obligation to confirm qualifications can also be regulated by industry tariff agreements.

Professional exams are taken by graduate students and employees of enterprises who want to confirm a level of qualification.

You can test your knowledge and competencies in the heart of Kazan, on the territory of the Technopark “Idea”, which is a regional methodological center for the development of the national qualifications system in the Republic of Tatarstan.

“The modern world is dynamic and requires a prompt response to current requests. It is no secret that in a number of areas among employers there is a high demand for specialists who have not just successfully graduated from a university, but at the same time confidently possess practical skills, competencies, that is, they are able to work and perform specific tasks. The answer to such request was the introduction of the professional exam”, - explained Oleg Ibragimov, CEO of the Technopark “Idea”.

He said that the Qualifications Assessment Centre has been working in the Technopark “Idea” for more than 4 years. During this time, more than 50 assessment tools have been developed and tested – test and practical tasks that applicants solve during the exam. In total, the Centre held 54 professional exams, and also managed to open two examination centres in Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU) and in the Technopark of High Technologies (Khanty-Mansiysk). The new centres will give an even greater number of Russians a chance to confirm their knowledge and competencies, which means they will become more competitive in the labor market.

Since 2020, a pilot project of the National Qualifications Development Agency for the centralized conduct of the theoretical part of professional exams using digital technologies has been launched.

Employees of human resources departments were among the first who pass the online examination in Tatarstan. Among them is Rimma Merkulova, who said that the exam was an opportunity, first of all, to test oneself: “As an employee in the field of personnel policy, I am well aware of the significance of such exams. They provide up-to-date information about the competencies of employees literally “here and now”. I believe that with the help of the exam, you can learn various aspects that can further improve the efficiency of an employee. In fact, I always study something new with interest. On the Technopark’s website, I read about the opportunity to take the online exam and decided that this was a great chance to test my knowledge. I treat the exam more like a slice, so I’m not worried. The main thing is to draw the right conclusions”.

It should be noted that there are 79 sites across the country for centralized professional examinations using digital technologies, such as the Technopark “Idea”. They are located in 26 regions of the Russian Federation. Employees and graduates can check their knowledge and skills in 74 professional qualifications. According to experts, in general, professional examinations are relevant for about half of the entire labor market. In particular, these are specialists of the agro-industrial complex, the beauty industry, construction, housing and communal services, the automotive industry, the pulp and paper, furniture and woodworking industries, etc.

You can sign up for a professional exam distantly on the information module “Online exam” (https://ok.nark.ru/), where an applicant has the opportunity to choose a place, date and time convenient for him, and get acquainted with the contract.

Technopark “Idea” was chosen as the only platform for the online exam in Tatarstan. To be admitted to the exam, you only need to present an identity document.

According to the results of the exam, a notification is sent to the subject about the successful completion of the theoretical part, containing a QR code for access to the corresponding entry in the register, or a conclusion with recommendations on expanding professional knowledge. An applicant who has successfully passed the theoretical part of the exam receives the right to take the practical part within a year, where he will be able to confirm his skills offline.

Having passed both parts of the exam perfectly, the applicant will receive a certificate of qualification — this is a confirmation of professionalism for the employee and a guarantee of employee reliability for both the employer and his clients.

You can clarify the specifics of passing the professional examination, as well as test your knowledge with the help of specialists from the Qualification Assessment Centre of the Technopark “Idea’. Contact e-mail for communication: COK@tpidea.ru.

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