89 “UMNIKs” compete for half a million rubles!

18 november 2021

Finalists of the programme “UMNIK”, young scientists from 18 to 30 years old, presented their projects to an expert commission. In just three days, 89 participants told experts about their projects. Oleg Ibragimov, Acting representative of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) in Tatarstan, CEO of the Technopark “Idea”, also took part in the evaluation of projects.

According to the results of the event, the developments recognized as the best will be further evaluated in Moscow, and the winners will receive 500,000 rubles for the implementation of the idea!

In addition, up to 40 projects will be able to receive support from Tatarstan in the amount of 220,000 rubles in the framework of a nomination “Youth innovative project” of a contest “50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”.

It should be noted that Technopark “Idea” is a development institution and a base platform of the regional representation of FASIE in Tatarstan. In total, the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation has formed a network of representatives in 75 regions of Russia. They contribute to the popularization of the Foundation’s programmes free of charge and advise participants in competitions.

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