An examination for compliance with the professional standard for HR

10 february 2022

Since 2021 Technopark “Idea” has been providing a platform for passing the theoretical part of the professional examination for 90 qualifications using digital technologies offered by the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications. Ekaterina Turasheva became one of the first who successfully passed the theoretical part of the professional exam for the qualification “HR Specialist”.

The applicant explained that she planned to pass the professional exam in Moscow, and thanks to the Technopark site, she passed the theoretical part in Kazan and received a Notification signed by the Director General of the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications Artem Shadrin. The document is an admission to the practical part of the exam during the year.

“I plan to pass the practical part and prepare for exams in other qualifications, I think that this will be an advantage for an employer, who will understand and realize that the employee himself voluntarily confirmed his professional skills,” Ekaterina explained.

It should be noted that the project involves 9 councils for professional qualifications (CPQ), including CPQ in the field of personnel management with the qualifications of the professional standard “HR Specialist”:

- Specialist in personnel records management (5th qualification level);

- Recruitment specialist (6th qualification level);

- Specialist in the organization of assessment and certification of personnel (6th qualification level);

- Specialist in career building and personnel development (6th qualification level).

The HR specialist has an extensive range of responsibilities, which include knowledge in office work and labor legislation. The theoretical part of the professional exam includes questions on labor law related to immediate responsibilities: accounting of employees, maintaining personal records, issuing certificates; documentation, transfer and dismissal of employees; filling out workbooks, calculating work experience, etc. More information about an example of evaluation tools can be found on the website:

You can sign up for a free professional exam (theoretical part) distantly in the information module “Online Exam” by choosing a convenient place, date and time.

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