University students can receive 1 million rubles for the implementation of a project

23 march 2022

Employees of the Technopark “Idea” told today about a new programme of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) “Student Startup”. The audience consisted of 58 representatives of initiative youth and university staff, who were introduced to the project and its features by experts.

Oleg Ibragimov, CEO of the Technopark “Idea”, welcomed all participants of the online seminar. He explained that the programme “Student Startup” is being implemented for the first time this year: “It is expected that in 2022, 1,000 winners will be selected by the Foundation throughout the country, who will receive 1 million rubles for the implementation of their project.”

Oleg Ibragimov urged everyone to be actively involved in the project and assured that Technopark “Idea” will provide the necessary consulting support.

Tatyana Tunakova, Chief Specialist of the Department for the Development of innovative programmes of “Idea”, spoke in more detail about the project. She explained that students of bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate students of Russian universities will be able to apply. Applications are accepted in the following areas:

Н1.  Digital technologies;

Н2.  Medicine and health-saving technologies;

Н3.  Chemical technologies and new materials;

Н4.  New devices and intelligent manufacturing technologies;

Н5.  Biotechnologies;

Н6.  Resource-saving energy;

Н7.  Creative industries.

In case of victory during the year there should be:

  • created a legal entity;
  • created  Minimal Viable Product and (or) a product/technology should be brought to TRL 3 (technology readiness level, a mock-up of the technology should be developed to demonstrate its key characteristics);
  • created a company’s website;
  • developed a business plan of the project.

At the end of the seminar, the experts answered the questions.

You can download a presentation about the programme here.

Technopark specialists are ready to answer questions about the programme by e-mail:

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