ScienceTalks was held in the Technopark “Idea”: there were discussed methods of treatment of dizziness, production of cellulose from nettle and more!

24 march 2022

Scientific stand-up ScienceTalks was held in the Technopark “Idea”. The interuniversity project, initiated by “Idea” in 2019, is aimed at developing technological entrepreneurship and popularizing science among young people.

This time, speakers of the project were representatives of four universities of Tatarstan, who presented their scientific developments in a simple and accessible language without graphs and formulas. Among the speakers was Alexander Kazantsev (Kazan State Medical University), who spoke about the nature of dizziness and its treatment.

Maria Gordeeva from Kazan State Power Engineering University (KSEU) introduced the audience to the classification of water quality, and Alexander Gorbunov (Kazan National Research Technological University) revealed a secret of how to produce cellulose from nettles. Olesya Bozyukova (Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman) completed series of speeches, telling about the specifics of the treatment of stomach ulcers in animals.

The listeners of the project are junior students of various specialties and it is they who evaluate and choose the best speaker.

A winner of ScienceTalks-March was Maria Gordeeva, who received 43% of the votes.

It should be noted that for a successful presentation on the project, young scientists go through the “Speaker’s School” from “Idea”. Thanks to this, speaking masters and graduate students learn the skills of public presentations for free.

Kazan State Medical University (KSMU), Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU), Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KGASU), Kazan State Power Engineering University (KSPEU), Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev – KAI (KNRTU-KAI), Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman took part in various episodes of the ScienceTalks project.

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