“Gosuslugi” posted information about an independent assessment of qualifications

10 may 2022

The portal of state and municipal services of the Russian Federation has published a guide on the procedure for passing an independent qualification assessment (IQA).

To go to the desired block of information, it is necessary to select a “Job” tab in the “Interesting and useful” feed, in which you can find a publication “How to pass an independent qualification assessment”.

The portal informs that “An independent assessment of qualifications is a confirmation of the compliance of qualifications with professional standards. An employer may require an independent qualification assessment, and it is also mandatory in certain areas.”

To pass the independent qualification assessment “Gosuslugi” offers a user to take three steps:

1. to find the required Council for Professional Qualifications (CPQ) in the CPQ Registry;

2. to select the most convenient and relevant Qualifications Assessment Centre (QAC) of the National Qualifications System (NQS) in the Register of Information about the QAC;

3. to come to the selected Qualification Assessment Centre with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and documents on education and qualifications and sign up for the exam.

Also, “Gosuslugi” offer to use a section “Services” of the National Qualifications System, which allows online:

  • verify the authenticity of a certificate of the assigned qualification by registration number and date of issue;
  • check yourself for readiness for the qualification exam using a demo test;
  • find out the locations of the IQA and qualifications for which the independent assessment is currently being conducted;
  • sign up for IQA;
  • file an appeal if you do not agree with the results of the exam;
  • study the regulatory documents of the IQA.
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