On the 18th of April All-Russian Lego contest was held in Moscow.

22 april 2009

82 teams from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Chelyabinsk, Rostov,Republic of Tatarstan, Krasnoyarsk and others took part in the contest. According to results of the contests first place and four medals, three which of them were gold, were won by Chelyabinsk team. Second place was shared by teams of Krasnoyarsk and Moscow.

For the first time on the All-Russian Lego contest Republic of Tatarstan was presented by three teams that were winners of Regional contest of LEGO-construction and robotics. In the junior group triathlon discipline was presented by Albert Moulyukov (school №19, 5 classes), Askhat Moukhametshin (school №19, 5 classes). They gained 90 points and took 14 places from 20 teams. In the middle group Rafkat Galleev (school №19, 6 classes), Danis Khisamoutdinov (school №19, 6 classes) introduced trajectory discipline. They managed to gain 40
 points and took 8 places from 19 teams. And senior group was presented by Ilnar Bikchantaev (Kazan state technical university named after A.N. Toupolev, second-year student), Tagir Nafikov (Kazan state technical university named after A.N. Toupolev, second-year student) in billiard discipline. They succeeded in gaining 80 points and taking 6 places from 15 teams.

There are three main categories and creative one. In this category only robots of art were assessed. In the contest robot-painter, photographer and robot-musician were presented. Unfortunately representatives of Tatarstan didn’t take part in the creative category. First place of this category was taken by robot-pianist and project of electronic violin and guitar. Now its creators will take part in international contest of robots in South Korea. Last year robots of Russian schoolboys took second place in contest in Japan.

Our boys showed good results in spite of Centre of collective use of LEGO-construction and robotics began its work in Technopark “Idea” in January, 2009.

Source: tpidea.ru
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