On the 14th of September, 2009 the Programming and robotics centre resumes its work after summer vacations on the basis of Technopark "Idea".

3 september 2009

Our Centre of programming and robotics invites young researchers to enter into the entertaining world of robots, to plunge into the interesting environment of an information technology.

The laboratory is intended for collective using schoolchild for the purpose of development of design, engineering and computing skills. Educational activity on spatial designing, modeling and automatic control are carried out.

The constructor will help with course of technology of high school to master robotics bases, in a physics course - 

to make the automated experiment. In a computer science course - visually to realize difficult algorithms, and in initial vocational training - to give answers to the questions connected with automation of productions and managerial processes.

Employment will be spent two times a week for children at the age from 10 till 15 years.

In March, 2010 the Regional Olympic Games of robots will be spent. Winners, who have occupied prize-winning places, will take part in the Russian Olympic Games of robots.

We invite you and your children to open door at 16 o'clock on September, 7th, 2009 to the address: Kazan, the Petersburgskaya Street 50, office 408.

Source: tpidea.ru

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