On the 7th of September open door of the Center of programming and a robotics was holding in the Technopark “Idea” at 16 o’clock.

8 september 2009

Pupils of 6-10 classes have taken part in action. Some of them have appeared for the first time in the Technopark, but the majorities of children have been engaged in the Center of collective using LEGO of designing and a robotics since March, 2009 and were waiting with impatience its opening after summer vacations.

The young researchers visiting lessons have told that they receive knowledge of technology which is used in the present world of a science, designing and design. They develop, build and program completely functional models of robots, collect commands, participate in the regional Olympic Games and the Russian selection competitions on the World championship among robots-sportsmen which this year will pass in Japan. Children learn to behave as young scientists, conducting simple researches, counting and measuring behavior, writing down and representing their results. Their parents are glad new hobby of children. It was not kept from a compliment and managing chair of pedagogical university, having expressed the pleasure to that in Kazan possibility of such formation was presented for the first time. The laboratory is intended for collective using schoolboys for the purpose of development of design, engineering and computing skills.

The centre of programming and robotics invites young researchers to enter into the entertaining world of robots, to plunge into the most interesting environment of the information technology allowing robots to carry out the broadest circle of functions. Educational activity on spatial designing, modeling and automatic control is carried out.

Designer Pervorobot will help with course of technology of high school to master robotics bases, in a physics course - to make the automated experiment, in a computer science course - visually to realize difficult algorithms, and in initial vocational training - to capture the questions connected with automation of productions and managerial processes, safety systems.

Lessons will be spent two times a week for children at the age of 10 till 15 years.

In March, 2010 the Regional Olympic Games of robots will be spent. The participants, who have occupied prize-winning places, will take part in the Russian Olympic Games of robots.

Source: tpidea.ru

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