Technopark “Idea” participates in the Second Nanotechnology International Forum which is being held on 6-8 of October, 2009 in Moscow.

7 october 2009

The Forum was opened by President of the Russian Federation Dmitri Medvedev, also Chairman of organizing committee of preparation and holding of Nanotechnology International Forum, deputy Chairman of Government RF Sergey Ivanov, Chairman of board of directors Nokia Jorma Ollila (Finland) and general director of state corporation “Rusnanotech” Anatoliy Chubais spoke welcoming speech.

The plenary session, a complex of panel discussions and presentations of business program as well as scientific and technological sections, presentations of companies, devices and equipment, also Exhibition and the Second International Competition of Scientific Papers in Nanotechnology for Young Researches were held within the framework of the Forum.

One of the central events the Forum became the first awarding ceremony of Nanotechnology International Prize RUSNANOPRIZE-2009 and Russian Youth Prize in the field of Nanoindustry established by RUSNANO.

685 speakers from 36 countries took part in the business program and scientific and technological sections of the Forum: AustraliaAustriaBelgiumBulgariaIsraelEgyptNetherlandsSingaporeUSA and others.

General director of the Technopark “Idea” participated in section devoting to Innovative economy infrastructure elements (business incubators, technology parks, public research pools, technology development in special economic zones) and to regional programs nanotechnology development. He made report on the subject “Experience of infrastructure support of small innovative companies”.

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