The defence of qualifying works.

29 october 2009

Today defence of qualifying works of participants of program of professional skills improvement in the direction of “Innovative management and management of innovative projects risks” was held in the Technopark “Idea”.

The program of professional skills improvement was organized by the Technopark “Idea”, the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow) and the Academy of management “TISBI”.

The goal of the program is professional skills improvement of heads and specialists of small innovative enterprises and organizations of innovative infrastructure in the sphere of control of creation and adoption processes of new products on the market and on this basis improvement of business competitiveness.

The category of audience is heads of high and middle level of management, specialists of small innovative enterprises and organizations of innovative infrastructure.

The program was realized in mode of 4 modules with breaks for holding of sessions of practical consulting and fulfillment of final project by 
listeners. The listeners should master foundations of innovation commercialization, control of development process and advancement of new products, innovative projects management, risk management in innovative business, marketing aspects of project analysis, and also features of intellectual property in innovative business.

Certificate of state model of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation on improvement of professional skills in the direction of “Innovative management and management of innovative projects risks” is presented on the results of the defence of qualifying work.

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