“Practical application of corporative Internet website to increase of company profit and achievement of competitive advantages”.

25 november 2009

Today seminar on the subject of “Practical application of corporative Internet website to increase of company profit and achievement of competitive advantages” was held in the Technopark “Idea”.

The organizers of the seminar are company “Active Systems” and Innovative Technopark “Idea”. Heads of organizations, heads of advertising and marketing departments of Kazan organizations, workers of company-residents of the Technopark “Idea” took part in the seminar.

Director of the company “Active Systems” Rinat Sadykov which is consultant on information technologies and internet business with 15 years of work experience in this sphere told participants of the seminar about six important characteristics of high-performance corporative website that bring in a revenue. Also he told about website planning, creation of the website on the inside, site operation and others.

Technical director of the company “Active Systems” Alexei Schukin which is specialist on corporative web-systems told guests about advantages, perspectives and types of Internet shops.

Head of the Internet project “Etreyd.ru” Azer Ismailov introduced to own Internet business. It is Trade Internet ground eTreyd.ru.

This seminar was aimed to increase a number of company clients visits through the Internet, raise business efficiency through the Internet, and also stave off groundless costs on the Internet advertising.

Source: tpidea.ru
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