International Сonference “Russia and Global World: New Decade Challenges”.

25 january 2010

General director of the Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko took part in International Сonference “Russia and Global World: New Decade Challenges”.

The conference was being held from 21 to 23 of January, 2010 in Moscow. It was organized by Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Institute for the Economy in Transition and the Expert Council under the Government Committee on improvement the sustainability of Russian economy.

The conference was focus on the perspectives of socio-economic development of Russia in 2010-ies, upgrading policy of the Russian economy.

The conference was held in the form of a series of panel discussions and expert “round tables”, the participants of which were able to present and discuss their understanding of the key trends and challenges of the country development.

First Deputy Primer of RF Igor Shuvalov, Minister of Economic Development of RF Elvira Nabiullina, President of RF Sperbank German Gref, Deputy Chairman of the RF Government, Finance Minister of RF Alexey Kudrin, Director of Department of budget policy and methodology of Ministry of Finance of RF Alexey Lavrov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, leading Russian politicians and officials, Russian and foreign researchers and consultants participated in the conference.

Plenary discussion on the subject of “Innovation time” was held within the bounds of the conference. There is General director of Russian Corporation of nanotechnologies “RUSNANO” Anatoliy Chubais devoted his speech to trying to understand of innovative economy building in Russia. “Innovative development has been achieved neither in Soviet, nor in Russian time. We already do not have time for reflection, we must act. No social and economic mechanisms that would have blocked the development of innovative. Innovative development must be based on fundamental market values and redefining the role of the state. The main conclusion is that innovation development is a complex socio-economic task, real reform, but which can be solved in the shortest time”, - concluded Anatoliy Chubais.

In addition Anatoliy Chubais highly appreciated Tomsk and the Republic of Tatarstan as regions with the most advanced system of support and development of innovation on the national background.

General director of the Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko made presentation on the experiences of the Republic of Tatarstan in the creation and development of innovative infrastructure to support high-tech business.

On the 5th of February, 2010 Technopark “Idea” will celebrate 6 years since the beginning if its work. Today 95 innovative high technological companies work on its territory and there are about 1500 employees.

Steady increase of number of employees on the Technopark territory and also fullness of its premises by innovative companies more than 80% said about high social importance of infrastructure projects of the republican scale.

Technopark "Idea" is carried out constant support both young innovative companies and creative teams, standing on the threshold of the organization of business and in need of methodological, consulting support.

Broad opportunities of participation in grant programs and receipt financing in the project is opened up for applicants team (projects initiators) thank to active cooperation between Technopark “Idea” and Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE).

In concluding his presentation, Sergey Yushko marked the near-term prospects of the Technopark development, noting that the Technopark intend to establish centers of collective use with possible involvement of major Russian companies as partners.


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