Technopark “Idea” participated in VII All-Russian contest of inventions and trademarks “ZOLOTNIK”.

9 march 2010

Organizers of the contest are law firm “Gorodissky and Partners” with support of Ministry of Education and Science of RF, Ministry of Economic Development of RF, Commercial and Industrial Chambers, regional organs of executive authority, Departments of local administration (in the regions of holding of selection rounds) and non-government organizations.

The contest was held in two stages. The first stage is a regional stage covering all federal districts of Russia, and the second stage is a final stage which was in Moscow. In the contest took participate trademarks, service marks, appellation of origin, inventions and useful models.

International jury included representatives of federal and regional government bodies, patent attorneys, designers, painters, psychologists, scientists and journalists. The head of international part of contest commission was President of International show of innovations and inventions “Brussels – Innova/Eureka”, president of well-known Belgian advertising and marketing agency “SPE Exhibition” Mr. Floran Godden.

Technopark “Idea” took third place in nomination “Legal immunity”.

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