Specialization of Nanotechnological centers will be defined by customers.

10 march 2010

JSC “Innovative Technopark “Idea” is of the twelve other Russian companies which were winners of the first stage of the contest on creation of nanotechnological centers that is being conducted by State Corporation “Rusnanotech”. The total cost of the winning projects is 24.1 milliard rubles. General Director of the Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko said to newspaper “Time and Money” about application from the Tatarstan.

- The project presented by the Technopark “Idea” won on the first stage of the contest where applications were estimated by formal indications. What are requirements which RUSNANO offered to the participants? – asked correspond of newspaper “Time and Money” Sergey Yushko.

- The main idea of “Rusnanotech” is that RUSNANO will risk money together with co-investor which must be commercial structure without fail. RUSNANO was created by the state but its requirements to potential partners don’t differ from requirements of business entities which are interested in economic and production success. It is very important for the corporation to see that some more interested party will risk own means together with it. 90% of the cost of equipment which should be used by nanotechnological center will be contributed by RUSNANO and 10% of it cost should be contributed by co-investor. Share of RUSNANO in total investment should not exceed 60%. The rest of 40% will be contributed by applicant. And he can do it both money and assets which also have tough requirements. For example, it is impossible to contribute as assets not owned to the company equipment or the one which is leased with breaches or buying on state means. Assessment of applicants’ assets was being done during the month by companies accrediting under RUSNANO. In the first place it is a “Big four”. It has not been easy, either. We had been prepared documentation for assessors with increased speed. The contest was announced on December 17, 2009 and it has already begun Christmas holidays. But the most important criterion is that nanotechnological center will do and how to develop. It is clear that so important structure is unlikely to create in the desert that’s why Tatarstan with its experience of development and realization of innovative projects and major scientific school, in my opinion, can hope for victory in the final stage of the contest. I would remind you that RUSNANO has already participated in two Tatarstan nanotechnological projects. It is production of flexible package and production of catalysts. In addition it is very important for the state corporation that co-investor will be serious company. Businessmen and authoritative scientific organization would agree to cooperate with it.

- Recently we constantly hear about the products with the prefix "nano" although in most cases the question is not about something fundamentally new.

- People who are engaged in the nanotechnology and realizing a real breakthrough projects are very little. Somebody mainly produces something like nano vaseline. It was vaseline then some materials were added to it and it has acquired some additional properties. I do not dispute that it is necessary too, but from the nanotechnological center, of course, waiting for new innovative directions rather than simply improving the existing. And it is certainly not on the bare theory. The output should not be science fiction but a real product that is sold, that is a new breakthrough technology. In order to achieve such results experts which have a very high level should work on its creation. The architects of our future nanotechnological center as we see it are entrepreneurs, business developers embedded not only in Russian but also in international business environment. The fact that “Idea” was included in the European Business and Innovative Center Network (EBN) is our major competitive advantage. At the same time it is necessary to understand that Rusnanotech still one and its financial resources are limited. Therefore on whom ultimately will fall selection will depend not only on the activity of the applicant but also on the availability of strategic interests of the state corporation in a particular region.

- Does the presented project of nanotechnological center include more organizational issues or it has concrete directions of development of this ground?

- Required of us to make proposals in such a way that will be clear that we do not tell tales and can perform assigned tasks. More than 20 organizations made development of the project. In particular the purchase of equipment should be taken into account the interests of all participants. If research equipment is a standard then the technology one had to be chosen in such a way that it can be used not one but a several companies. As our buildings both on Peterburgskaya Str., and in the Technopolis “Himgrad”, they are sufficiently prepared. There already have a preliminary decision on the engineering infrastructure and reconstruction. Project efficiency also has been calculated. There is prepared a business plan, developed an economic and financial models from which it is clear what shareholders can expect, including "Rusnanotech". If creation of nanotechnological center in Kazan will be approved we will have routine work on implementation of the target. On the other hand any business plan quickly becomes outdated and needs to be adjusted.

- You said that the project was developed by 20 organizations. Who will be directly involved in the creation and activities of the center?

- First of all it is Geologonerud, Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Tatneftekhiminvest-holding, Academy of the National Economy under the Government of RF, law firm “Gorodisskiy and Partners”, metrological center “STP”, and also majority of Kazan universities among of which it is necessary to especially mark out Kazan State University, Kazan State Technological University, Kazan State Technical University and Kazan State Architecture and Engineering University.

- But what will specialization be at the center?

- International experience shows that talk about it too early. For the present we have indentified all areas in which we have a competence. In particular there is planed a work of lithography room, development and production new materials oriented to chemical reagents for petrochemistry and spintronics. Specialization of the center will appear when we will have first results. Finally everything is determined by customers.

- How much would you expect to receive from RUSNANO in case of victory in the contest and when do you expect to cover investment?

- The cost of our application is 3 milliard 419 millions rubles. 1 milliard 754 million rubles from it are moneys from RUSNANO and 1 milliard 665 million rubles are means of republican investors including 305 million rubles are cash.

- What does “Idea” receive from entering in the EBN?

- Audit of the EBN we were undergoing at the same time of application preparing to RUSNANO. The results enabled for us to be sure that we are not bad Technopark according to European standards. Here we are helped to experience of creating start-ups. 43-48 such companies appear in the Technopark per year. This has been delivered to the stream. In addition, now we have official access to the best international practices.

- Is the rent principal source of income of the Technopark?

- Technoparks earn on rent. It is correct. The question is from whom this money. We do not go in the proportion of tenants, and we create comfortable conditions for work. The structure of our residents is different from the structure of any office center. Now in the structure of the residents of the Technopark half are start-ups and more than 40% our companies have already moved to the next level. At the same time the share of the five anchor tenants account for 35% of the area. Small companies occupy about 50% of the territory. With regard to the profile of residents, the majority of them engaged in the provision of engineering (46%) and consulting (27%) services in the direction of resource and energy conservation.

Source: newspaper “Time and Money”, issue № 38-39(3232-3233) from March 5, 2010.
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