The meeting of “Club of innovation development”.

4 october 2010

September 30, 2010 at the meeting of “Club of innovation development” held in Innovation Technopark “Idea” was signed a report on the establishment of the Association of Clubs “U.M.N.I.K.”.

The Association includes clubs created by leading universities of Kazan. Members of these clubs are the winners of various programs of innovation support in Russia such as “U.M.N.I.K.”, “START”, “Idea-1000” and others.

The most promising directions in the development of the Association are:

  • a qualitative increase main economic performance indicators of small innovative enterprises, particularly within the Association;

  • participating members of the Association in the development and implementation of innovative projects;

  • participation in the preparation, elaboration and promotion of high technology and innovative projects, participation in investment programs and financing programs at various levels, information and other projects aimed at the developing innovative entrepreneurship;

  • participation in the joint promotion on the market of innovative projects for industrial and others enterprises and organizations;

  • development of algorithm for rational joint use of available intellectual, logistical, personnel, information and other resources;

  • involvement in scientific and innovative activities, as well as to attract of more representatives of students and researches from various universities in the Association;

  • participation in creating and monitoring the development of small innovative enterprises;

  • development of various contest and programs to maintain and increase the innovative potential of the Russian Federation.


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