The announcement of the first procurement procedure was posted on "В2В-Rusnano”.

4 may 2011

The results of the Request for Proposal of Engineering Support for the establishment of the Pharmaceutical Laboratory and Production Complex and Clean Rooms of the Nanotechnological Centre “Idea” were summarized in Kazan (Engineering services). The announcement of the first procurement procedure was posted on "В2В-Rusnano” portal on March 21, 2011.

The organizer completed the bidding process on May 03, 2011 at 15:43. The Proposal of LLC “BERVER” was recognized as the best in accordance with the decision of the Special Procurement Commission (Protocol No.6 dated April 25, 2011).

Contract with the winner of the open request for proposal will be signed according to the Documentation of the open request for proposal within 10 (ten) calendar days.

For more detailed information, please, visit website


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