Today representatives of the World Bank and residents of Technopark “Idea” have discussed the issues relating to intellectual property.

16 march 2012

Currently, a long-term target programme “Development of Intellectual Property Market in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2012-2020” is developing by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and experts of the World Development Bank.

The programme is aimed at creating conditions for free trade in intellectual property, turning them into marketable goods which finally will be resulted in growth of innovation activity of both academia and industry. It is expected that it will promote growth of the intellectual property share in the gross regional product.

In this regard, experts of the World Bank conduct a number of researches including focus groups as well as individual meeting with patent office experts from the republican enterprises, companies and universities. As the result, the material regarding experience of enterprise and company in the sphere of creation and protection of the intellectual property, the existing problems in their business practice will be collected.

The most matter is that how small innovative business works with intellectual property.

In this connection, representatives of the World Bank – Alen Gallosha, a consultant on intellectual property and Andrey Zolotarev, a specialist of innovation development, met with residents of Technopark “Idea” and experts of Nanotechnology Centre with a view to understand how the representatives of
small innovative companies work with the intellectual property in the Republic of Tatarstan, what problems they face and how they use the intellectual property in their business processes.

During the meeting with the representatives of small companies, the great attention was paid to characteristics which distinguish them from their competitors: innovativeness and competitiveness.

Following the meeting, Alen Gallosha gave several recommendations on protection of the intellectual property rights in the Russian and foreign markets, technology for the intellectual property execution, management and application.   

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