Activists of Summer School “Nanograd-2012” took part in experiments in the Center of Nanoscale Technologies in Technopark “Idea”.

6 july 2012

Today as part of annual summer school “Nanograd-2012”, students from various regions of Russia have got acquainted with activities of Technopark “Idea”, have created a virtual company and through this case have understood what is meant by business incubator and Technopark and what is the difference between them.  

Familiarization excursion on innovation has moved into the nanotechnology world which is localized in Technopark in a specially designed pavilions and laboratories – the Center of Nanoscale Technologies. The students have witnessed the experiments on determination of maximum permissible concentration of useful and harmful substances in such popular summer drinks as sweet soda, quass and beer.

Most were not pleased with the results of the experiment. For example, the content of some harmful elements in the well-known brand soda and beer has exceeded permissible limits in the hundreds or even thousands times.

To the point, the official opening ceremony of the annual summer school “Nanograd-2012”, one of the most important events of “RUSNANO School league”, was held on July the 4th, 2012, in Kazan. The event was attended by Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov, General Director of the Fund of Infrastructure and Educational Programs Andrey Svinarenko, General Director of “RUSNANO School League” Mikhail Epstein.

This year more than 150 senior students from 34 Russian educational institutions, 20 businessmen and 30 scientists have come to Kazan to build “Nanograd”. The summer school is organized for the second time, the first event was held at the end of June last year in Penza. 

The program includes master classes and lectures dedicated to various spheres of science and technology and the basics of high-tech entrepreneurship. Teachers from major higher educational institutions, scientists and manufacturers of high-tech products, as well as “RUSNANO” representatives will work with students.

General Director of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko will give a course of lectures in innovation.

Residents of the “Nanograd” are divided into teams each of which are trained in a real high-tech company and are engaged in solution of business tasks aimed at business development. These cases are specifically designed by representatives of the “RUSNANO” School League and Russian high-tech companies – partners of the event. Participants of the Summer School are as follows: CJSC “Danaflex-nano” (Kazan), LLC “HemaCore” (Moscow), CJSC “Optogan” (St. Petersburg), LLC “Galen” (Cheboksary), CJSC “Plastic Logic” (Zelenograd), CJSC “Advanced Technologies Center” (Moscow), CJSC “Svetlana-Optoelectronics” (St. Petersburg) and Technopolis “Himgrad” (Kazan).

In addition to real participation in business processes, students will take part in research works, discussions, laboratory works and project groups. The program also provides sport and entertainment activities.

Summer School “Nanograd” is a logical conclusion of the League schools’ academic year during which senior high school students are actively studied in the format of edutainment (“entertaining training”). In particular, the students took part in 11 competitions, including the contest of the best nanotechnology article; visited a number of nanotechnology events in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Cheboksary; studied elective courses in technological entrepreneurship. In addition, over 300 teachers improved their skills on the programmes developed by the League. This academic year, the number of schools has increased by almost half – now the League includes 31 schools from 17 cities of Russia.          

The “Nanograd” will stop working on July 11.

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