Technological subdivisions of the most successful global companies – are residents of Technopark “Idea”.

4 october 2012

American Organization “Interbrand” has released a list of Top 100 Global Brands including the most successful global companies.

The “Interbrand” analysts, in the course of their work, estimated the brand. Market capitalization of corporations was not considered. It should be noted that 4 of 5 leading brands are related to the high technology sector, and in fact, the concentration of IT-business representatives indicates the increasing importance of this sector in the world. The “Interbrand” management for a reason points out that the world is on the threshold of a new world of global communications and networks, the consumer will inevitably and fully change the ordinary area to the digital.

However, against the background of global “digitalization” of all spheres of the Company’s activities, the Engineering sphere overweighs the number of resident companies of Technopark “Idea”, including the sphere of Nanotechnology (55% of the total number of residents).   

What companies included in the Top 100 Global Brands are residents of Technopark “Idea”?

General Electric – ranks the 6th in the “Interbrand”.

“GE Money Bank”, localized at Technopark “Idea”, is a Russian subsidiary of one of the leading operators in the International Financial Services Market “GE Capital”. The Bank operates in the major regions of Russia, providing the customers with services through its own branched network. The Technopark “Idea” has the following centers: the Operational Support Center “GE Money Bank”, including the“Call center”, a number of Internal Departments and Department of Risk Analysis. The Center involves about 600 employees.

Siemens – ranks the 51st in the “Interbrand”.

Siemens – a global leader, providing complete solutions, a wide range of products and services for modernization of the enterprises in the following areas: automation and management, IT and communication, energy, healthcare, lighting. The “Siemens” is presented in Technopark “Idea” as the Engineering Center. 

Panasonic – ranks the 65th in the “Interbrand”.

The Technopark “Idea” involves LLC “Panasonic - RUS” – which was founded in 1996 with a view to support the “Panasonic” activity in Russia and the CIS countries. The Company develops complex solutions for communication equipment and safety system for the B2B market. The brand is presented in Technopark “Idea” as the Center of Engineering Solutions, Equipment Showroom and Interactive Classroom.

The material is based on information on the portal:    

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