Free seminar on “Technology protection. Intellectual property management” will be held at Technopark “Idea” on April the 5th, 2013.

1 april 2013

“Artpatent” Agency in cooperation with Innovative Technopark “Idea” will held a free seminar on “Technology Protection. Intellectual Property Management” on April the 5th, 2013.  

The Seminar Program

I.   General part

  1. Intellectual Property System. The exclusive right concepts, objects, subjects, and content. Features of legal protection.
  2. Authors and private developments. Royalty fee.
  3. Contract. Types and content. Drawing up procedures. License.
  4. Liability for Intellectual Property infringement.
  5. Technology and Intellectual Property Protection risks, practices and recommendations.   

II.   Intellectual Property Management System

  1. R&D Management.
  2. Patent researches. Where and for what?
  3. Selection of the rights portfolio to the results of intellectual activity.
  4. Commercialization of Intellectual Activity Results. License trade.     
  5. Management account of the right to the Intellectual Activity Results.
  6. IP Management Elements.  Internal guidelines. 

The seminar author and moderator: Grigory Busarev, Head of “Artpatent” Agency, Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation, MBA Programme Teacher (Kazan)

The Seminar will be held in Conference Hall, Technopark “Idea” on April the 5th, 2013, from 14:00 to 17:00.

Pre-registration:  by Tel.: (843) 2-728-728, or by e-mail:

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