Seminar on “Material chemical analysis”.

3 april 2013

On April the 3rd, 2013, the Youth Creativity Centre “Idea” holds a seminar on “Material chemical analysis”, which is organized with the participation of Metrology Center “RUSNANO”, LLC “Souz-pribor” on the basis of Technopark “Idea”.       

The seminar is designed for chemical industry experts, students and postgraduate students, residents of Technopark “Idea” and Technopolis “Himgrad”.

The seminar provides for possible training on portable analyzer for metal analysis X-MET 7500 and mobile optical emission spectrometer PMI-MASTER (OXFORD INSTRUMENTS ANALYTICAL – one of the global leaders in the research and production of material analysis equipment).

According to General Director of Metrology Center “RUSNANO”, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Ivanov the Republic of Tatarstan never fails to amaze with its capabilities and projects implemented at Technopark “Idea”. Five months have passed since the opening of Rusnano Nanotechnology Center where possible to synthesize various nano-scaled and submicron structured materials, characterized by significantly improved properties, now there is the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre “Idea”, where researchers of industrial companies, universities, SIEs have a unique opportunity to “work” with their material: examine the options of cutting, laser cutting, casting mould, realizing the full cycle of the product.   

Residents of Technopolis "Himgrad" have also assessed the possibilities of YICC “Idea” to implement their innovative projects. General Director of LLC “3dom” Vladimir Karpov, a resident of “Himgrad”, said that cooperation with YICC “Idea” will bring the implementation of innovative projects into a new level, now the Republic of Tatarstan has a place where you can implement new ideas in practice, give the project another breath, demonstrate a ready product to potential investor (client).  

For reference:

The Youth Innovation Creativity Centre “Idea” - the only center in the Russian Federation, located simultaneously in Technopark "Idea" and Rusnano Nanotechnology Center, in close proximity to leading universities, innovative platforms. Residents of Technopark “Idea” and Technopolis “Himgrad” have direct access to unique equipment of the YICC “Idea” to implement their innovative projects.


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