4 september 2013

On September 03, 2013, Bashkortostan Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Sharonov visited Technopark “Idea” and got acquainted with innovation developments of Tatarstan, work aspects with residents, as well as the terms of preferential rent. Dmitry Sharonov was accompanied by General Director of JSC “Tatneftehiminvest-Holding”, a member of the Board of Directors, a shareholder of "Idea" Rafinat Yarullin. The guests were met by CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko.      

The guests got acquainted with the history of Technopark’s establishment and development and its key performance indicators. Sergey Yushko informed that currently Technopark had 105 companies with the involvement of about 2,000 employees. "It is important that Technopark not only creates jobs and platforms for development of start-up projects, but also keeps the children and youth interest in the innovation and technical skills", - explained CEO. According to the head of "Idea", by that it is ensured the continuity of generations.

For example, in LEGO Centre, located in Technopark, children aged 6 to 14 have the opportunity to learn not only to construct various robots, but also to design and program the model by themselves. The children demonstrate their skills to age mates from other cities and regions. For this purpose, Technopark initiates and holds the Republican Robotics Festival on an annual basis, where children compete in the ability to construct a robot that can pass the most difficult tests.

High school children and students develop their abilities in the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre, the activity of which was presented to Dmitry Sharonov. Deputy Prime Minister was presented a new 3D-printer model created in Technopark and talked about the project development prospects.  

Also, Dmitry Sharonov visited the Laser Centre, which is engaged in training of specialists in laser technology application, providing services for laser treatment of various items and products to small and medium-sized enterprises.  

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