Robotics Festival in Technopark “Idea”: security robots, robots collecting garbage, and others

20 may 2016

The Republican Robotics Festival has been held today in Technopark “Idea”. The competition was attended by about 100 students from 14 cities and districts of Tatarstan.

Robotics Festival is traditionally held on the four categories: “Racing on the lines”, “Sumo. Maneuvering”, “Kegelring-Quadro” and “Creative category: robots for the people”. One of the differences of current contest is a new approach in terms of “Sumo. Maneuvering” and “Kegelring-Quadro”. The effectiveness of the competition in the category “Sumo. Maneuvering” was defined based on many criteria, one of the most important - as long as possible to stay in the center of the playing field. Competition “Kegelring-Quadro” is focused on robots that can not only “see” the pins, but also to distinguish its color.

The creative category, where everyone creates own robot and submit it to the attention of the participants and judges, aroused particular interest both for the audience and for the jury. So, pupils of Center for Children’s Technical Creativity of Bugulma Bulat Yagudin and Daiana Valieva presented a project “Smart urn - helper of mankind”. “The idea of creating the robot came by itself: we often walk in the parks and we see there is a small trash. So we decided to do an experiment: whether we have created a robot to save our earth, - told the students. – The operating principle of the robot as follows: the robot is equipped with special sensors to search for debris, three brushes are activated at the detection of garbage, which will rake up the garbage and send it in an external container”. The creation of the robot was taken about a month by the students. The project of young Bugulma citizens took second place in the creative category. Third place in the same category was won by pupils of the school of Shushmabashsk school of Arsk district, which presented robot cleaning fruits. The first place was won by a project on the security system of the cadets of the Kazan Suvorov Military School.

According to the results of the contest prizes in other nominations were distributed as follows:

Category “Racing on the line”:

1. Municipal budget educational institution of additional education of children “Station for Children’s Technical Creativity “Regatta” (Bolgar city);

2. Federal state institution “Kazan Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”;

3. Federal state institution “Kazan Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”.

Category “Sumo. Maneuvering”:

1. Municipal budget educational institution of additional education of children “Center for Children’s Technical Creativity” (Bugulma city);

2. Municipal budget educational institution “Fedorov Secondary School named after E.G. Tutaev” (Kaybitsky District);

3. Municipal budget educational institution “Multidisciplinary Lyceum named after A.M. Bulatov” (Kukmorsky District).

Category “Kegelring-Quadro”:

1. Federal state institution “Kazan Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”;

2. Municipal budget educational institution of additional education of children “Center for Children’s Technical Creativity” (Bugulma city);

3. Municipal budget educational institution “Multidisciplinary Lyceum named after A.M. Bulatov” (Kukmorsky District).

All photos from the Festival are here

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