Tatarstan people in the final of the National Championship WorldSkills

24 may 2016

The final of the National Championship WorldSkills Russia (“Young professionals”) launched yesterday, 23 May 2016, in Krasnogorsk located near Moscow. The events will continue for five days.

The final of the National Championship “Young professionals” is the most large-scale competitions of professional skills in Russia. The WorldSkills Russia involved young representatives of work specialties from 18 to 22 years and juniors aged 10-17. The best are identified for 99 jobs.

Volga Federal District will be represented by the team of the Republic of Tatarstan. Participants will defend the honor of the Republic of Tatarstan and the whole of the Volga Federal District.

In addition, Tatarstan take part in organization of the event. So, the General Director of the Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan Nikolay Nasonov (resident of Technopark “Idea”) is the organizer of competence “Laser technology”.

“We hold competitions on major technological processes – laser cutting and engraving. Adult participants are competing for the same jobs that make the specialists at industrial enterprises. – said Nikolay Nasonov. – Juniors also made the case for 3d printers. Also we organize master classes in laser technology for the young participants”.

WorldSkills is an international non-profit movement, founded in the middle of the last century, aimed at increasing the prestige of working professions. Russian Federaion joined the movement in 2012.

The third final of the National Championship WorldSkills Russia, which took place in 2015 in Kazan, was attended by more than 62 thousand spectators. In the ending there were 519 participants. The jury consisted of 613 of experts, including 19 international experts from 9 countries: Morocco, Israel, Finland, Japan, South Korea, South Africa, Germany, Ireland, and Switzerland. The participants’ works were assessed according to the 57 competencies.

Every two years the WorldSkills holds international competitions of professional skill. In 2019 World Championship WorldSkills International will be held in Kazan. This decision was made by an international jury at the General Assembly of WorldSkills International in Sao Paulo in August 2015. Russia’s application was supported by 31 countries of the 57 countries - participants of the movement of WorldSkills International.

The press service of Technopark “Idea” according to TASS

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