Dear residents of Technopark “Idea”!

20 july 2016

Documents on an event “Leasing-grant” can be submitted for initial verification in electronic form from 18 July 2016. This service is absolutely free and available at address: http://uslugi.fpprt.EN:7891/economy/.

Recall, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan carries out competitive selection of small and medium-sized businesses of the Republic of Tatarstan for the provision of state support in the form of grants under the program “Leasing-grant”

Accepting applications for participation in competitive selection is carried out by State public institution “Center for implementation of support and development programs for small and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan” from 18 July 2016 to 17 August 2016, from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00, on Friday from 9.00 to 16.45 on Moscow time at the following address: 55, Moskovskaya Str. Kazan (entrance from the Guarantee Fund of RT).

To simplify and make the application procedure on the event “Leasing-grant” faster and more convenient for entrepreneurs, there has been launched a special service, where you can apply for the initial verification in electronic form. Note that this service is only for checking correctness of filling of documents. For participation in competitive selection on the event “Leasing grant” application form with the required documentation in paper form is required!

The selection and timing of the announcement of the results of the Competitive selection are produced in accordance with a Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan from 19.06.2013 No. 416 (in edition of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan from 11.07.2016 No. 470).


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