1) Organization of advanced vocational education and scientific school on the programme: “Vacuum Science and Technology”
Location: Sudak, Ukraine
The number of participants: 7 members of KNRTU
The training duration: 10 days
The training programme:
Alternative energy sources and the role of vacuum technology.
Vacuum technology in nanotechnology.
Vacuum system design using Monte-Carlo method.
Experience in vacuum technology teaching at MSTU named after N. E. Bauman.
Organization of educational process in “Technological machinery and equipment” at MSTU named after N. E. Bauman.
Reciprocating vacuum machines. Improvement of operation efficiency.
Vacuum systems in the petrochemistry.
Thin films technology. Prospects for its development.
Modern vacuum metering equipment.
Modern leak detection and mass spectrometry. Current state of vacuum equipment market after the crisis.
2) Organization of participation in the 5th International Symposium and Young Scientists School “Nanotechnology in electronics and alternative energetics” under the programme of the 5th Nano and Giga Forum
Location: Moscow, Russia
The number of participants: 15 members of KNRTU
3) Organization of training at the Belarusian National Technical University with a specialization in:
Location: Minsk, the Republic of Belarus
The number of participants: 9 members of KSTU named after A. N. Tupolev
The training duration: 6 days
Car engines and services block:
Modern methods of combustion control in diesel engine.
Control of fuel injection into the diesel cylinder, fuel systems.
Diesel engine inlet and outlet systems.
Automotive engine ecological safety problems.
Application of alternative diesel fuel.
Modeling of diesel engine operation.
Yaroslavl Engine Plant, Deutz, Mersedes engines electronic control system.
Diesel engine diagnosis models and methods.
Characteristics of ABS/ASC diagnostics.
Diagnostics and adjustment of electronically controlled air suspension system.
Motor vehicle enterprise design technology.
Vehicle Technical Maintenance. Visiting the Research and Testing Laboratory of Vehicles.
Composite material and coating block:
Principles of the creation, composition, structure and properties of polymer composites.
Binders for fiber polymer composites.
Polymer fiber based polymer composites.
Carbon fiber based composites.
Mineral filler based polymer composites.
Poly-fiber (hybrid) polymer composites.
Multi-layer metal-polymer (super hybrid) materials.
Economic problems of polymer materials, polymer composites and fiber polymer composites development and application.
Criteria for evaluation of polymer materials and polymer composites technological and operating properties.
Metal matrix-based composites.
Transportation and logistics block:
Organization of motor transportation. Motor transportation of dangerous goods.
Motor and urban-city transportation of passengers. International passenger transportation.
International motor transportation and transport and logistics activity.
Traffic management and control. Visiting the Traffic Research Center of BRTU.
Organization and design of transport logistical systems, international logistics.
Efficient traffic control and its optimization, formation of transport corridor.
Management of the main logistical functions, inter-functional logistical coordination.
Logistical systems information support, software support, logistical systems administration.
4) Organization of training on the programme: “Equipment and nanostructures and nanomaterials thermal analysis methods”
Location: Company “NETZSCH-Geraetebau GmbH”, Selb, Germany
The number of participants: 7 members of KNRTU
The training duration: 14 days
The training programme:
Principles of DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) method. Hardware and software. Strategy of measurements. Case study. Practicum.
TGA (thermo-gravimetric analysis), DTA (differential thermal analysis) and CTA (combined thermal analysis) methods. Measurement conditions. Instrumentation, calibration, software. Adaptability of special methods. Analysis and interpretation of results.
Principles of mass-spectrometry. Optimization of capillary interface TG-MS. Practicum: mass-spectrum analysis.
Principles of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Practicum: discussion of measurement parameters and their impact on infrared spetrum. Preparation of samples for measurement, programming and start of measurement.
Practicum on interface TG + FTIR. Research of nanostructures thermal behavior.
Introduction to the TMA (Thermal Mechanical Analysis) method. Special features of device mechanism and configuration. Possible measurement modes. Strategy of measurements.
Principles of DMA system. Practicum on DMA device, start of measurement.
Measurements on DMA device. Polymer and solid materials research possibilities. Special measurement methods.
Introduction to thermokinetics. Software ideas and concepts. Kinetic model selection. Practicum on kinetic modeling.
Practicum on kinetic modeling application and thermal processes forecasting.
5) Training on the programme: “Dielectric spectroscopy”, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
The number of participants: 2 members of KNRTU
The training duration: 21 days
The training programme:
The main research areas in the field of dielectric spectroscopy in СERС laboratories.
Study of “Novocontrol” dielectric spectrometer hardware.
Study of dielectric spectrometer software.
Low frequency dielectric measurements.
High frequency dielectric measurements.
Measuring cells and the methods of solid and liquid reference materials preparation.
Treatment and interpretation of dielectric measurement results.
Research on CERC.
6) Organization of advanced vocational education on the programme: “Nanotechnology, nanomaterials”, State University of New York, Albany
Location: Albany, New York, USA
The number of participants: 5 members of KNRTU
The training duration: 14 days
Key topics of the advanced vocational education programme:
Advanced technology and equipment for nanoparticles and nanomaterials production.
The latest research methods of nanoparticles and nanomaterials structures and properties.
Practical application of nanomaterials.
Innovative management and commercialization of nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
Staff training innovations for nanomaterials production and research.
Study of the university infrastructure, the methods of students training and methodological support on nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
Professional communications with universities and industrial enterprises involved in nanomaterials production and research.
7) Organization of training on the programme: “Design of materials and mathematic modeling in the aircraft and engine design”, Israel Institute of Technology "Technion"
Location: Haifa, Israel
The number of participants: 12 members of KSTU named after A. N. Tupolev
The training duration: 14 days
The training programme:
Theoretical and applied problems of composite structures strain mechanics.
Intellectual aircraft control and navigation system.
Aircraft engines and power plants, theoretical and applied issues on gas-turbine engine and heat transfer processes.
Mathematical simulation.
8) Organization of training on the programme: “The methods of nanostructures and nanomaterials research”, Аrizona State University
Location: Phoenix , Arizona, USA
The number of participants: 10 members of KNRTU
The training duration: 14 days
The training programme:
Electron microscopy of nanomaterials and nanostructures (thin films, nano-composites, membranes, electrodes, catalysts) including laboratory studies using an electron microscope and other spectrum analysis apparatus.
Nanostructures NMR-spectroscopy. Development and application of nano-catalysts.
Production and application of nanoporous materials.
Nanostructures computer modeling.
Spectral methods of nanostructures research (X-ray phase analysis, emission, absorption and fluorescence).
Field testing methods.