Educational Programs for 2012

1) Organization of training course “Studying the methods to purify gas emissions from industrial productions”, University of Burgundy, France.

Location: Dijon, France

The number of participants: 3 members of KNRTU

The training duration: 21 days

The training programme:

  • Research organization in France: the role of universities, research financing and support in France, the partnership between the public and industrial research, the method of fundamental results valorization.

  • Mineral acid technology.

  • Environmental pollutants detection methods.

  • Hybrid material for gas recovery.

  • Visiting the Technopolis and plants in France (inorganic acid production, pharmaceutical and agrochemical production, recycling), studying the technological process.

2) Organization of training course “Output of oil, petrochemical synthesis based monomers and polymers”, University of Alberta.

Location: Edmonton, Canada

The number of participants: 10 members of KNRTU

The training duration: 14 days

The training programme:

  • Output of oil, analysis of heavy oil and natural bitumen.

  • Polymer sorbent for oil spill recovery.

  • Polymer blends thermodynamics. Urethane coating. The polymerization kinetics.

  • Visiting the oilsands industry in Fort McMurray, Alberta.

3) Organization of training course “Development and implementation of educational programs”, Аrizona State University

Location: Arizona, USA

The number of participants: 16 members of KNRTU

The training duration: 14 days

The training programme:

  • Lectures on energy-saturated products and materials technology.

  • Lectures on chemistry and nanomaterials technology (Nanoporous material production and application. Computer aided modeling of nanostructures).

  • Laboratory course in spectral material analysis method (X-ray phase analysis, emission, absorption and fluorescence field testing methods.

4) Organization of advanced vocational education and scientific school on the programme: “Vacuum Science and Technology”

The organizer: Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education “Russian State Technological University named after Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky - MATI”.

Location: Sudak, Ukraine

The number of participants: 8 members of KNRTU

The training duration: 10 days

The training programme:

  • Experience of nanotechnology training complex at Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman.

  • Monitoring and analysis of solid surface using electron and ion spectroscopy.

  • Calculation of vacuum thin filming process mode and instrumental parameters.  

  • Vacuum technology in nano-engineering.

  • Modeling of vacuum island nanostructures growth.

  • Technology, equipment and control systems in electrical engineering.

  • Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology: actual status, prospects and risks.

  • Military nanotechnology.

  • The main trends in vacuum technology development.

  • The history of vacuum technology development.

  • The status of nanotechnology in the United States, Japan and Europe.

  • Polymer material surface nanostructuring:  control of its bio-medical characteristics and application prospects.

  • Nanostructured surface polymers based antibacterial nanobiomaterials: formation and properties.

  • New generation sanitary technologies for space and aviation engineering.

  • Nanotechnology and nanomaterials in medicine, biotechnology, food industry, engineering chemistry.

5) Organization of training in Аrizona State University.  

Location: Arizona, USA

The number of participants: 3 members of KNRTU

The training duration: 14 days

The training programme:

  • Laboratory practical on nano-electronics – nano-contacts, nano-wires and nano-electronic devices operations.  

  • Imaging of samples on transmission and scanning electron microscopes and other advanced research devices.

  • Production and research of receptor characteristics of surfactant auto-aggregative layers on solid support including biological objects (DNA, proteins).

  • Nanotube growth and research.

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