State final certification - Independent qualification assessment

The goal of a programme “Development of a system for assessing professional qualifications in the nanoindustry for the period 2019 – 2021” is to actively involve students of universities and colleges in the national qualifications system by passing the professional examination procedure during the SFC.

The professional exam procedures “Entering the profession” (hereinafter referred to as the exam) are organized jointly by the university (college) and the QAC in the nanoindustry. The exam is held at the university site. For the exam, assessment tools are provided by the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Nanoindustry and adapted to the requirements for the competencies mastered by the student are used. The adaptation of assessment tools is carried out jointly by the Qualification Assessment Centre(QAC) and an university (college). The adapted evaluation tools are coordinated with the CPQ in the nanoindustry.

The examination procedure is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the QAC for the independent qualification assessment in the form of a professional exam (except for clauses 16в, 17 and 18), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2016 No. 1204 “On Approval of the Rules of the Centre for an independent assessment of qualifications in the form of a professional exam”.

Based on the results of the exam, the CPQ in the nanoindustry issues a certificate of participation in the professional exam to the student.

Background information on the Independent Assessment of Qualifications is available on the website of the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications (, normative links on the website of the Register of Information on Conducting an Independent Assessment of Qualifications (

Examples of tasks of Sets of evaluation tools are available on the websites: 1. Council for Professional Qualifications in the Nanoindustry (; Qualification Assessment Centre in the nanoindustry of CJSC “IPT “Idea” (

The list of documents required for passing the professional exam in the framework of the state final certification:

  • on the professional qualification “Extruder operator”, 3rd level, professional standard “Specialist of technical support for the production of polymer nanostructured films” - a document of vocational education or training in the profession “Extruder operator” or in one of the professions related to the production of polymer materials and products form them; application for passing the professional exam; passport; individual schedule; university certificate of training.
  • on the professional qualification “Technician for the repair of technological equipment for the production of nanostructured polymer materials’,4th level, professional standard “Specialist in the preparation and operation of equipment for the production of nanostructured polymer materials” - a document of vocational education or training in one of the professions related to the production of polymer materials and products from them; application for passing the professional exam; passport; individual schedule; university certificate of training.

The procedure for conducting a professional exam in the framework of the state final certification (link)

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