Center of competency

A special place in the functional of Innovative Technopark "Idea" is an educational activity.

The Technopark prepares and organizes business trainings, refresher courses, participation in the scientific symposium, seminars, conferences and practical training sessions. 

In the shotest possible time we select receiving University, laboratory or enterprise, conform the training program and get-to-know-you visits in the leading scientific and research institutions and Nanotechnology centres of other countries.

If you are interested in the refresher courses in the foreign training centre you will need to formulate the application area of your interests and to identify duration of the course of 72 hour or more. According to your request we select an educational institution, industrial enterprises and laboratories, formulate the training program, practical training session and individual meetings.

We realize a comprehensive approach in the organization of business training. In a three-week program will include a week of theoretical knowledge, then the following two weeks of practical and theoretical training, a busy schedule of visits to companies, associations and government organizations.

The order of educational program, business training, practical training session, participation or organizing of workshop and conference in Technopark "Idea" will relieve a customer from the decision of issues such as:

- filling in forms;

- forming and submittion of documents to the visa centre;

- search for the optimal trip route and accomodation;

- booking and purchasing tickets, medical insurance;

- organizing transfer.

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