The programme “Commercialization” is aimed at supporting companies that have completed the R&D stage and are planning to create or expand the production of innovative products.

The amount of the grant is up to 20 million rubles for 1 year for commercialization for legal entities that have completed the stage of research and development.

Terms of participation:

  • Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs belonging to the category of small business entities in accordance with Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007
  • There are no pending grant agreements with the FASIE
  • There is completed the stage of R&D
  • They have experience in sales of high technology products
  • The amount of extra-budgetary co-financing is not less than 100% of the grant amount. The following sources of co-financing can be used:
  1. the company’s own funds;
  2. private investor funds;
  3. credit funds;
  4. borrowed funds from individuals or legal entities.

Expected results:

  • creation or expansion of own production of high technology products;
  • an increase in the volume of output of this product (production targets are set at the conclusion of the contract);
  • an increase in the number of newly created or modernized high-performance jobs.

Items of expenditure:

  • payment for works and services in the technical sphere (production project planning, industrial design, etc., excluding R&D costs);
  • payment for consulting and marketing services;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • payment of the first installment when leasing equipment;
  • payment of lease payments under equipment leasing agreements;
  • acquisition of new technologies;
  • certification of goods;
  • purchase of software tools;
  • payment of interest on loans;
  • obtaining admission of securities to trading on the stock exchange;
  • purchase of components.

Reporting every six months:

  • Financial report and act.

You can always contact Technopark “Idea" for a letter of recommendation and advice.

The official page of the programme

Programme regulations and other documents

Submit an application


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