
ScienceTalks is a scientific stand-up, where masters and postgraduates from leading universities of the republic meet on the stage. Within the framework of the project, young scientists tell the audience about their developments and scientific discoveries in a simple and understandable language in an informal setting. According to the results of the speeches, the winner of the scientific battle is determined by SMS voting. Each listener gives a vote for a speaker, who, in his opinion, was as close to the audience as possible, presented his development, his project more accessible and understandable to everyone.

During the year Technopark “Idea” holds similar battles every month. In December, a super final is held, the winner of which will receive a valuable prize.

The project was generated in the Technopark “Idea” in December 2019 and for a year has received fame and positive feedback from the university community. “This is amazing project. There has never been such a warm atmosphere in our university. I am very happy for our participants. I am grateful to the project leaders who allowed the participants to become different. For me, the participants revealed themselves in a new way. I am very pleased that students are actively studying science and are interested in it”, - commented Natalya Bashkirtseva, Acting Director of the Institute of Oil, Chemistry and Nanotechnology of the Kazan National Research Technology University (KNRTU).

“This is a great event to popularize science. It is important to keep interest in it in time. When spectators - students of 3-4 courses see the speakers of postgraduates, they have a desire to become addicted to science, they understand that it is promising and interesting”, - added Dilbar Sultanova, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers in Medicine and Cosmetics at KNRTU.

Detailed information about participation by e-mails:

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