11 december 2014


School project “Robotic manipulator-prosthetic device”, prepared by the student of the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity (Gymnasium No. 19, Privolzhsky district) of Kazan, became the winner of the X Anniversary Competition “50 Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”. The project’s author - Karim Shakirov became the winner of the contest in nomination “Perspective”.

The Annual Republican contest “Fifty Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan” has been held since 2005. The contest aims at enhancing the innovative potential of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The project “Robotic manipulator-prosthetic device” is a moving model of the forearm and hand of man. The model works remotely via a wireless connection based on the programmed microcontroller.

As said the senior pupil Karim Shakirov, the project is implemented in two directions: development and programming of the prosthesis for people with disabilities and development of the manipulator for working with hazardous substances (viruses, bacteria, and other).

Work on the prosthetic manipulator is conducted at the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity (CYIC), located at the base of Gymnasium No. 19. The schoolboy together with mentors is working on it for 2 years.

Deputy Director of Information and Communication Technologies of Gymnasium No. 19 Mukhammed Zagidullin explained that the model, presented by Karim on the competition, is the fourth or fifth version.

“We thought long and altered mechanics: students find out from what parts should be hand, as the material from which these parts must be assembled, - said Mukhammed Zagidullin. - Initially we used plywood for work, then organic glass, then plastic, printed on the 3d printer. Details and fixing were also changed. We have attracted an engineer with KAMAZ, he teaches technology at our based on CYIC. The engineer helped to collect and fix all the little details”.

The authors of the project shared the difficulties that have arisen in the course of the work: “There have been difficulties with programming: we have a lot of time and effort spent to make the arm move. In addition to our programming language was unfamiliar, we have learned it from the very beginning”, - said Karim Shakirov.

Another problem, faced by developers: to make the arm fully managed remotely (wirelessly). However, they have already found the solution and started to work.

The task for this year of the schoolboy and his head too big: to rebuild the prototype of the details printed on the 3d printer, and to improve the existing model.

It should be noted that the Center for Youth Innovative Creativity of Gymnasium No. 19 is one of 10 CYIC, working on the territory of Tatarstan.  All centers are equipped with the necessary modern universal equipment and are used both for training purposes and for technical support of innovative projects (prototyping). Since the opening the Tatarstan centers have been visited by about 5,500 children. Schoolchildren and students have the opportunity to realize their ideas on modern universal equipment. As part of the activities in CYIC there has already appeared the first company created by students. The children have constructed the 3d-printer and are involved in its promotion.

The Press-service of technopark “Idea”

Photo: archive of Gymnasium No. 19 of Privolzhsky district of Kazan


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