18 february 2015

The Association of Innovative Regions of Russia, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation together with the Higher School of Economics carry out the development of the standard of industrial territorial cluster for management purposes and then identifying features of regional clusters, as well as the requirements for them, to further define existing and potential regional clusters and creating up to November 30, 2015 registries of cluster initiatives in all regions of the Russian Federation. The first version of the document was presented for discussion during the Gaidar Forum – 2015.

The basis of the standard of territorial cluster has served the needs of Russian business, which requires a clear understanding of the existing support measures, the benefits of clustering, territorial responsibilities and further state policy in this direction.

The final document should give the business a certain scheme of effective management and development in order to achieve the main goal - to become competitive due to the synergy, says the Executive Director of AIIR Ivan Bortnik.

From experts in the field of cluster policy has already received a number of proposals for improving the document. First of all, according to representatives of the clusters, it must be decide to whom this standard will be addressed - by clusters or subjects of the Federation - and to establish a unified conceptual apparatus. The end user in any case should be the entrepreneur who plans to join the cluster. The next important question is the scheme of the formation of the clusters themselves: their creation from scratch or around major operating company. In the second case, there is a need to analyze the support of the organization that there was formed around a full cluster, and this would have led to an increase in the revenue base of the whole subject.

According to experts, the standard should also be included schema of creating a kind of an information database to provide information support to business.

Targeting when creating clusters on the territories, which is prescribed in the standard, should not be limited competitiveness. The large-scale clustering problem is the output of region to the global level. And here it is possible to apply to foreign experience. Experts identify three types of clusters. The first is a cluster formed around a global company and providing its leadership and access to the international level. The second is the competence center, developing, usually, around the university, reaching technological superiority in certain sectors. The third type is formed in the transition mode region from industrial to post-industrial. The region's economy while changing is to a more modern.

Executive Director of AIRR Ivan Bortnik stressed that this document, while not mandatory for everyone, however, should be an important support tool for the effective development of entrepreneurship in the country.

Developed document should also, according to the authors, to fix the batch nature of the cluster, whereas now there is some imbalance in this matter.

The press service of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia

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