29 may 2015

The rating of the Top-50 of leading digital-production Russian companies-2015 has been included one company from Kazan – resident of Technopark “Idea” – SmarHead (50th place).

The company was established in the Business Incubator of Technopark “Idea” in 2007. Now it is located on commercial areas of Technopark. SmartHead provides development services in the premium segment of the market of Internet-advertising. The company's customers are about 50 international and Russian advertising agencies such as Red Keds, Leo Burnett, Saatchi&Saatchi, Instinct (BBDO), HAVAS and others. Together with these agencies, the company is implementing more than 40 projects a year in the field of digital advertising. The end users of the company’s services are customers of multinational brands. Among them are Honda, Unilever, MasterCard, McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Volvo, UniQlo, Yamaha, Panasonic, Audi, Samsung and many others. The uniqueness of the company lies in the production processes and the application of the attitudes of significant corporate developments in the field of digital marketing.

The rating of digital production is produced by an agency “Tagline” (with the support of a Studio Scada and portal for the 10th time. The higher the rating of the company is in, the more digital products it has to offer. In the final position of the company in the rating were influenced completed business indicators, as well as the assessment of a portfolio, client list and other important indicators of experts and moderators of the Tagline.

We congratulate the team of SmartHead with a good result!

We wish You interesting projects, new victories, achieve the bright peaks, even more cohesion and support each other in the team.

The press service of Technopark “Idea” on materials of the newspaper “Business online”

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