The young innovators have got their own school

1 november 2016

The School of the young innovator, becoming one of inter-university projects for training to the program “UMNIK”, was launched on the basis of Innovation Development Management of the Kazan (Volga region) Federal University on October 31, 2016.

The aim of the program “UMNIK” is to support young scientists aged 18 to 30 years seeking to be realized through scientific-technical and innovative activity, as well as to stimulate young scientists and specialists to the creation of small innovative enterprises in order to commercialize the results of scientific research. The winners of the program will receive a grant of 500,000 rubles.

Listeners of the School began 26 people: students, postgraduates, teachers and researchers of the Kazan Federal University and Kazan National Research Technological University. The largest number of applications this year has been submitted by directions: medicine of the future, biotechnology and information technology.

During the free training the listeners will receive professional skills in the field of patenting intellectual property, marketing analysis, preparation of financial and production plan, as well as will learn about the ways of financing projects through competitions and grants.

The School work also aims to prepare for other programs and contests, such as “50 best innovative ideas of the Republic of Tatarstan” of the Investment and Venture Fund of RT.

Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Bulat Khaziakhmetov appeared at the School opening ceremony. He noted the increase in the number of small innovative enterprises in the republic and wished the students continued success in this exciting business of commercialization of innovative projects.

The representative of the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation in the Republic of Tatarstan, CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko inspired with a presentation of the programs and opportunities of the Foundation the students for the fruitful work in the framework of interuniversity School and encouraged to take more initiatives in competitions and programs of the Foundation, using the capabilities of Technopark.

Vice-Rector for Innovation of the Kazan Federal University Andrey Artemyev reminded the audience that it is necessary to constantly improve knowledge, and acceleration programs of Innovation Development Management of KFU are a serious ground for this.

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